Print & graphic design.

Design is not just what it looks like and feels like — design is how it works.
We have extensive experience in designing products and marketing artefacts for a large number and variety of client needs. From company logos and business cards, through to full colour brochures, to signage and exhibition stands, Amplify Creative Marketing can help you achieve the results you want. Amplify have gained a solid reputation for excellence in product design too, having had our graphic designs used on multiple guitar effects pedals that are played by thousands of guitarists the world over, and on t-shirts, merchandise, and accessories that are also sold globally.
Previous design work.
Logos we designed.
We work with some of the country’s finest Lithographic and Digital Print houses to ensure very high-quality end results, and are able to scale up to volume from 100 business cards to 1 million brochures and beyond. Amplify creative also have a history of interface and UI/UX design success having worked at the leading edge of Fintech software in the past, and we continue to offer expertise in software design for both the desktop and the mobile app markets alike.